Garbage Burning

Council is requesting that no household garbage is burned in burning barrels or firepits as there are garbage and recycling bins available for use throughout the Village.  Thank you for your consideration of your neighbours.

Sask Energy Gas Line Update

Sask Energy is now accepting applications for new gas line installations in the Village with the exception of the retired area around Loney’s Ave.  Please go to and apply online under residential resort applications.  All questions are to be directed to Sask Energy.


Please take note that permits are required for almost everything done within the Village whether it be building or excavating.   Please check with the office before beginning any construction projects to get all the necessary paperwork and approvals in place first.  There may be some cases where it is not needed but we would prefer to have the heads up about it.   This will also eliminate neighbors and council members asking if a permit is in place when they see construction taking place.  Everything must go to a council meeting for approval which are held monthly so please plan ahead well in advance of your project start date.  No approvals will be given prior to a meeting and there may be fines implemented for not complying and starting without an approval first.

New Animal Bylaw

Please take note that Council passed an amended animal bylaw which imposes fines for dogs that are found unleashed in the Village.  If the office receives three complaints, the owner will be asked to remove the animal from the Village permanently.  You can find it on the Bylaws tab.


As per Bylaw 2-95, permission is required from the Village and various organizations such as as Sask Environment, Sask Power, Sask Tel etc. prior to burying a waterline. All buried waterlines need to have marked posts installed to readily identify the location of the waterline. In addition, you must submit proof of public liability insurance to the Village. Call the office for more details.

There will be culvert cleaning done this year. Please have your waterlines clearly marked so that council can contact you when the culverts are being cleaned. This will help reduce any damage that may be caused with the cleaning process.

Fire Services for South Lake

Council wishes to remind all residents that although South Lake does have a Firefighting and Emergency Response Service agreement with the City of Moose Jaw, it is the individual property owners responsibility to carry firefighting insurance for their property and contents.

In the event that a fire truck is called to your property, regardless of who calls for help, the cost of the response will be billed to the property owner. Please ensure that your insurance carries a rider to cover these costs. Firefighting insurance is very reasonable (please consult your personal insurance provider for exact amounts).