
Garbage Bins Are For Household Garbage Only

Do not put in any construction debris or yard waste such as leaves, trees or branches. Continued disregard for this request may lead to a garbage surcharge being added to your annual taxes.

Click Here to See Our Garbage and Recycling Calendar.

Road Allowance

If a resident has any object on the Village road allowance that causes harm or damages or is damaged by other individuals or by Village equipment, that resident will be held responsible for any costs incurred.

Required Signage

All residents of the resort village are required to place a sign on their boathouses, docks, and/or lifts facing the lake and containing their name and lake address.

Shoreline Development

All Shoreline Development such as docks , lifts and shoreline stabilization require approval from Saskatchewan Environment. Click here for an application, come into the office or go to Saskatchewan Environment Offices.

Once your application is completed, please take it to the Ministry of Environment office at 110 Ominica St W and they will contact our office. Please be sure to get a GPS location before you take the form to Environment.

Only One Boat House/Launch Location Per Household

Financial Statements

The Resort Village of South Lake’s 2016 Audit Report is posted in the Office for any Ratepayer to view.

All other financial statements are available for viewing at the office during regular business hours. If you wish to obtain copies of these or any other documents, you will be required to pay the fees according to our Administration Department User Fee Policy.

Helpful Forms/Documents

Fire Safety

The Moose Jaw Fire Department has provided some fire safety tips for your information: