
As per Bylaw 2-95, permission is required from the Village and various organizations such as as Sask Environment, Sask Power, Sask Tel etc. prior to burying a waterline. All buried waterlines need to have marked posts installed to readily identify the location of the waterline. In addition, you must submit proof of public liability insurance to the Village. Call the office for more details.

There will be culvert cleaning done this year. Please have your waterlines clearly marked so that council can contact you when the culverts are being cleaned. This will help reduce any damage that may be caused with the cleaning process.

Fire Services for South Lake

Council wishes to remind all residents that although South Lake does have a Firefighting and Emergency Response Service agreement with the City of Moose Jaw, it is the individual property owners responsibility to carry firefighting insurance for their property and contents.

In the event that a fire truck is called to your property, regardless of who calls for help, the cost of the response will be billed to the property owner. Please ensure that your insurance carries a rider to cover these costs. Firefighting insurance is very reasonable (please consult your personal insurance provider for exact amounts).